• Future Talks at Club Meetings

    March Making Splits
    April Tools of the Trade
    May Backyard Queen Rearing



  • Club calendar on your phone

    Do you want to have the club events show up on your phone/computer?

    You can, by adding the following url to your subscribed calendars (find out how using Google):


  • 2020 May Meeting

    Hopefully everyone is holding up to the best of their abilities during these times.  To help practice social distancing, the Executive Committee has decided that we will hold our first virtual meeting.  Please understand that this is a first for

    2020 Apiary – May 23rd

    Club Apiary 4866 U.S. 117, Wilson, NC

    Time flies, by now I'm sure several of you already have your bees and probably have some questions. There is no better way to learn than to do it together in the apiary. The apiary committee talked about it and

    2020 Apiary – May 31st

    Club Apiary 4866 U.S. 117, Wilson, NC

    Thank you everybody that came out to the apiary last week, I think we had a good apiary visit and everybody got a chance to try to find eggs in a frame with black plastic foundation. It is already time

    2020 June Meeting

    We will be having our meeting this Thursday, June 4th at 7:00 PM.  Below are the instructions for the zoom meeting.  Please try to log on, many things to share with everyone! Hope everyone is staying safe and enjoying their

    2020 Apiary – June 13th

    Club Apiary 4866 U.S. 117, Wilson, NC

    Last time we were out at the apiary we treated for mites so we had to skip this past weekend because of that, but now it is time again to head out there and to continue the mite treatment that

    2020 Apiary – June 20th

    Club Apiary 4866 U.S. 117, Wilson, NC

    It is time again for another apiary day. The weather looks a little dodgy, but sometimes the bees set the schedule and we have to work with what we have. We are going to be there on Saturday the 20th

    2020 June EC Meeting

    Wilson County Agricultural Center 1806 Goldsboro St SW, Wilson, NC

    EC team will be meeting at the Ag Center at 6:30pm. All member are welcome to come and watch the proceedings.

    2020 Extracting Honey

    Wilson County Agricultural Center 1806 Goldsboro St SW, Wilson, NC

    Hi everyone!  This Saturday, June 27th, from 9:00am - 1:00pm (time may be adjusted), we will be having a honey extraction class using the club's 6 frame manual extractor.  We have 6 supers to extract.  This is a fun experience

    2020 July Meeting

    Hi everyone!  Well unfortunately we still are not allowed to have a meeting...so ZOOM it is.  Below is the link to join the meeting on Thursday, July 2, 2020.  The meeting will start at 7:00 PM but you can log

    2020 Apiary – July 8th

    Club Apiary 4866 U.S. 117, Wilson, NC

    I hope you are having a wonderful 4th of July weekend with your family and friends (socially distanced of course). These are weird times with everything going on in the world so make sure you take care of those near

    2020 Apiary – July 11th

    Club Apiary 4866 U.S. 117, Wilson, NC

    Good evening good people,       There has been a lot going on in the apiary in the last few days, queens getting removed, new ones installed, a building is being delivered tomorrow and then on Saturday the 11th at 9:am

    2020 Apiary – July 18th

    Club Apiary 4866 U.S. 117, Wilson, NC

    Good morning,       It is time again to check on our club apiary this weekend, there is no better way to learn how to keep bees than come out and join us there.       We are going to be there