• Future Talks at Club Meetings

    March Making Splits
    April Tools of the Trade
    May Backyard Queen Rearing



  • Club calendar on your phone

    Do you want to have the club events show up on your phone/computer?

    You can, by adding the following url to your subscribed calendars (find out how using Google):


  • 2020 May Meeting

    Hopefully everyone is holding up to the best of their abilities during these times.  To help practice social distancing, the Executive Committee has decided that we will hold our first virtual meeting.  Please understand that this is a first for

    2020 June Meeting

    We will be having our meeting this Thursday, June 4th at 7:00 PM.  Below are the instructions for the zoom meeting.  Please try to log on, many things to share with everyone! Hope everyone is staying safe and enjoying their


    Agenda Welcome and Thanks for joining us. Rocky: Treasury Report and Audit of 2020 Financial Report. Magnus: Bee Class Thoughts. Bruce: Apiary Update, Nuc Sales for 2021. Greg: Gap forms, who needs to fill out one, where to find them.

    2023 October Club Meeting

    Jennifer Keller from NCSU Applied Ecology and Apiculture Lab studies the behavioral ecology of insect societies, with a primary focus on the proximate and ultimate mechanisms of honey bee queen behavior and reproduction. She will be sharing common things she