- This event has passed.
2019 March Meeting
March 14, 2019 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Our next meeting is March 14th at the Wilson Agriculture Center. WE HAD TO CHANGE THE DATE DUE TO A CONFLICT AT THE CENTER. Refreshments are at 6:30 with the meeting starting at 7:00. If you are able, please bring a snack or drink to share. We will be having door prizes. Please donate items, they do not have to be bee related.
A few items on the agenda:
- Club Apiary
- T-shirts are on sale – they are $15 & $20 with a pocket. March 14th will be the last day to order. If you have not paid for your shirt please do so at the meeting!
- If you have not paid your membership dues for 2019 – they are due!
- Farm Bureau donation of $450 to a new beekeeper, winner has been chosen
Don’t forget we are having the bee school on March 9th – if you haven’t already signed up you should! Will be a very good class that we all can benefit from. Call the ag center to sign up 252-237-0111
Greg Wolgemuth will be giving a program on a beekeepers first year.
Any thoughts, suggestions or questions – please share with the members or reach out to one of the officers at any time.