• Future Talks at Club Meetings

    March Making Splits
    April Tools of the Trade
    May Backyard Queen Rearing



  • Club calendar on your phone

    Do you want to have the club events show up on your phone/computer?

    You can, by adding the following url to your subscribed calendars (find out how using Google):


  • 2020 Apiary – August 1st

    Club Apiary 4866 U.S. 117, Wilson, NC

    Good morning. We are going to have another field day tomorrow, Saturday at 8:00am, and I hope to see many of you there. Sign-up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C044AAAAB2DA6FF2-wcba8 Remember, if you want to take your practical exam for the Master Beekeeping Program

    2020 August Meeting

    Hi everyone!  It's that time again!  Our monthly zoom meeting is this Thursday at 7:00 PM.     We will be having a presentation on Pollinators by Debbie Hamrick. Some items on the agenda:     GAP update     National Honey

    2020 Apiary – August 8th

    Club Apiary 4866 U.S. 117, Wilson, NC

    Good evening,       This Saturday at 8:00am we will be having another field day. We will be checking on one of the hives that had a questionable queen and some queen cells to see how they are doing and see

    2020 August EC Meeting

    Wilson County Agricultural Center 1806 Goldsboro St SW, Wilson, NC

    EC team will be meeting at the Ag Center at 6:30pm. All member are welcome to come and watch the proceedings.

    2020 September meeting

    Fall preperation for Winter (feeding, mite treatment) – Adolphus Leonard More information coming soon...

    2020 September EC Meeting

    Wilson County Agricultural Center 1806 Goldsboro St SW, Wilson, NC

    EC team will be meeting at the Ag Center at 6:30pm. All member are welcome to come and watch the proceedings.

    2020 Apiary – September 26th

    Club Apiary 4866 U.S. 117, Wilson, NC

    We will be at the apiary on Saturday, the 29th at 2:00pm this time in order to try to dodge the rain. We will be doing mite treatments and as long as the weather cooperates we will be doing some

    2020 October Meeting

    Wilson County Agricultural Center 1806 Goldsboro St SW, Wilson, NC

    Hello everyone!!  We finally can have a meeting in person.  This Thursday we will meet at the ag center at 7:00 PM.  This will be a hybrid meeting - which means you can come in person or log in to

    2020 Apiary Day – 2020-10-10

    Club Apiary 4866 U.S. 117, Wilson, NC

    We will be at the apiary on Saturday, the 10th at 9:00am. We will be finishing up the mite treatments by removing the treatment we put on last time and as long as the weather cooperates we will be doing

    2020 Apiary – 10-24

    Club Apiary 4866 U.S. 117, Wilson, NC

    We will be at the apiary on Saturday, the 24th at 9:00am. It is time to make sure the hives are ready for the winter with adequate stores, suitable queens and good winter brood. If you have taken your written


    Wilson County Agricultural Center 1806 Goldsboro St SW, Wilson, NC

    Wilson County Beekeepers Association Members: Our next meeting is November 5th  at the Wilson Agriculture Center at 7:00 PM.  Due to the Covid restrictions we are only allowed 25 inside.  Please RSVP with the sign up below so we will


    Agenda Welcome and Thanks for joining us. Rocky: Treasury Report and Audit of 2020 Financial Report. Magnus: Bee Class Thoughts. Bruce: Apiary Update, Nuc Sales for 2021. Greg: Gap forms, who needs to fill out one, where to find them.